The Project
We created a series of animations for Coople. They wanted us to create an animation translated and adjusted from English to French and German including creating a design based on the different countries. We covered all formats for different platforms and created the animation in full HD, for Instagram och Instagram stories.
New features:
- Set your shift availability and choose your wage
- Discover jobs near you in the map view
- Get all the information you need in the new dashboard
Get it on Android or iOS here:
Design/Animation: Pines and Palms
2D Design: Fredrik Persson,
2D Animation: Fredrik Persson,Markus Nogueira Rosén
3D Animation: Markus Nogueira Rosén
Marketing Executive -Sarah Debbie
Copywriter - Martin Leguay,Celeste Urech,Florian Buche
Producer - Olga Kuzovina